Maya Aroch | After Hours | Beyond Somewhere

Curator: Sally Haftel Naveh
July 23, 2022 - Dec. 3, 2022

After Hours, 2022
Installation, mixed media

The installation After Hours is a fantastic environment set between reality and dream, a monumental configuration of sculptures and drawings that creates a synthesized landscape on a monochromatic white-gray-black spectrum. The installation’s title suggests a “parallel” time taken out of the linear timeline, subverting the tangible and belonging to a world of fantasy and hallucination that disregards familiar logic and the laws of reality. The line between reality and fiction is also blurred in the range of Aroch’s invented images. Her figures and images are the product of a process of liberated consciousness and create a rich, child-like, and magical idiosyncratic lexicon – like a dream that has arisen from the depths of consciousness to the surface of the installation, in which candles weep, jugs run to the moon, and a flock of swans assume the shape and body of the figure 2.

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