Vito Acconci | Numerator and Denominator

Curators: Zali Gurevitch, Tsibi Geva, Dalia Levin and Tal Bechler
June 18, 2011 - Sep. 10, 2011

Vito Acconci

CLAIM, 1971, performance with video (64 min. of video documentation), 93 Grand Street, New York; three hours; September 10, 1971
CLAIM, 1971, photograph, performance documentation

A two-level loft-at street level, next to the stairway door, a TV monitor records my activity and functions as a warning to viewers (a viewer decides whether he wants to open the door and come down).
I’m in the basement, blindfolded, seated on a chair at the foot of the stairs-I have at hand two metal pipes and a crowbar-I am talking aloud, continuously, to myself-talking myself into a possession obsession.
‘…I’m alone down here…I’m alone here in the basement…I want to stay alone here…I don’t want anyone with me …I don’t want anyone to come down here with me…Ill stop anyone from coming down the stairs…I’m alone here in the basement. . . I’m staying alone….

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